Wow! Where has the time gone? January came and went by in a flash. I want to start off by thanking each and every one of you for the continuous support of my students and the Project R.E.A.C.H. initiative. We couldn't do it without you. We look forward to continuing to share our journey with you.
A look ahead at the rest of the school year has us VERY busy! :) We are going to be writing letters, designing public service announcements, and hard at work learning about the ways we can continue to help animals in need!
Moving forward, we have been asked by the Salem County Humane Society to design a banner for their upcoming third annual "Fur-Ball." We are so excited to be able to help them with this event and the students are surely going to "unleash" their creativity to make this banner another wonderful success that will make us all very proud. The details about the "Fur-Ball" are pictured below. If you have any questions, please reach out to Joann or Debbie.
With that being said, the students are also getting geared up for our "Crafts for Critters" fundraiser that will benefit the Salem County Humane Society. Stay tuned for student advertising and more details about ways you can help us make this fundraiser a GREAT success to help animals!!
Thank you!