Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Take Surveys to Help HSUS! :)

Have a few minutes to spare while watching television, surfing the web, cooking dinner, or switching loads of laundry? Fantastic. You can take surveys through SurveyMonkey that will benefit The Humane Society of the United States! :)

This initiative, called SurveyMonkey Contribute, allows you to earn rewards for taking surveys that they send to you. They will donate $0.50 cents to the charity of your choice (in our case THSUS) and will offer you the opportunity to win $100. Pretty cool, right?

The sign-up/ service is completely free, but you have to be at least 13 years old and a U.S. resident (from any of the states except for AL, HI, ME, or MA.). See website for further details and answers to frequently asked questions. :)

Click the link below to create or log-in to your SurveyMonkey account and get started!! :) They will have you complete a brief survey about yourself to get you started.

"Awesome Adoptable!" Sophie

"AWESOME ADOPTABLE" ALERT!!  Please show some love to Sophie from Adopt Beautiful Sophie! This beautiful gal is looking for love and is currently being fostered by a loving foster mama, Azita. Please share her story, like her Facebook page, and send her some love from Project REACH!!♥ 

Check out her submission in our photo album by clicking the link below!!

Meet Beautiful Sophie (submitted by Foster Mama Azita): "Sophie is a 1 year old boxer/hound mix, 65-70 pds., spayed and up to date on shots, heartworm (-) and on preventative heartguard. Breed specific experience is preferred. Sophie is training to build her confidence, learn her basic commands, and exercise on the treadmill as well."

To learn more about Sophie/ to adopt her or share her story, check out her Facebook page and other contact information is listed below!!

Contact: Azita Kay
609-970-1872 or email

Thursday, July 25, 2013

INSPIRE! Quote of the Day #1

Today is the first installment of our quote of the day. Project R.E.A.C.H.'s intent with quotes of the day is to INSPIRE you to be the best you, and to give back to animals in your community in any way you can. 

We'd like to hear what you think about the quote of the day and how it applies to issues/ causes surrounding animal welfare.

 This quote comes from Margaret Mead, an American cultural anthropologist. Click here for information about Margaret Mead from The Institute For Intercultural Studies website:

About the Founder and Daretown

Click this link to connect with us on Facebook!
Check out Daretown School!

Hi R.E.A.C.H.ers, 

I know that some of you know me already, so you can feel free to skip this. :) 

I just want to share a little bit about me with those of you who don't know me, so we can be better acquainted. Feel free to tell me a little about you, too! :)

I'm Jessica Sears. I love animals and I am very passionate about EVERYTHING involving them. Just ask my husband, he'll tell you all about it. :) I enjoy reading, writing, walking, going on adventures, cooking, and spending time with my family (and my friends and pets are part of my family, of course). We currently have three adopted Jack Russell Terriers (Niko, Rudy, and Harley), all of whom are spoiled rotten. (Not MY fault, I promise!) 

I'm the founder of Project R.E.A.C.H., but I'm also a Secondary English/LAL teacher (6-12) at Daretown School, in Elmer, New Jersey. The 2013-2014 school year will be my fourth at Daretown and I'm so excited to begin!! :)  

Daretown is part of the Salem County Special Services School District.
In short, all staff works together to provide a highly individualized program in an environment that that is supportive and encourages appropriate, pro-social behavior and excellence in academics!

I believe that educating our youth is where change begins for the welfare of animals in our communities. As I've said before, start small, Think BIG! :)

My students are truly amazing, with such wonderful talents and gifts to give to this world. I can't wait for you to see all of the incredible things they are capable of and for you to watch as they make a difference in this world and in the lives of animals and the organizations who support them! :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Foster for Camden County Animal Shelter

Our friends over at Camden County Animal 

Shelter desperately need YOUR help! They have more 

animals than space, and are in dire need of fosters. 

If you  can, please contact them and FOSTER. 

If you currently can not foster, please share 

this information, because maybe someone you know is 

ready to FOSTER. 

Fostering is 100% TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Any toys or food you 

may purchase as a foster parent ( & the miles in the car to 

go to events if you so choose) are all write-offs!!!

Contact Mark: 856-371-2780


Support Gloucester County Animal Shelter!

Our friends over at Gloucester County Animal Shelter need 

YOU! There are so many ways you can help animals in 


Here is the contact information you'll need: 


Phone: (856) 881-2828


1200 North Delsea Drive, Route 47, Clayton, New Jersey


Info about Volunteering and 


Adoptable Pets:

PreAdoption Application:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Local FOSTERING Information

Can't make a furever commitment to a pet? 

That's ok. You don't have to. 

If you want to make a difference in the life of a homeless pet, become a FOSTER family!! 

You will be saving the life of the animal you foster and the animal who can inhabit his or her cage at a shelter!!  

Here's a list of local (South Jersey) Animal shelters and links to their foster information. This is by NO means an extensive list of all the shelters and rescues in NJ/ Tri-State Area, but it will give you a taste of how much YOUR help is needed! Feel free to share and add links for me to feature!!

Camden County Animal Shelter:

Cumberland County SPCA: 

Gloucester County Animal Shelter

Salem County Humane Society

The Animal Orphanage

Animal Welfare Association

Animal Adoption Center

The Humane Society of Atlantic County

Check out our 1st R.E.A.C.H. Glog! :)

Hot Day?! COOL Down!

Phew! It is sizzling outside in our little corner of the world, and it’s certainly not just because the love that Project R.E.A.C.H. is getting is warming our hearts! J 

With that being said, it is oh-so-important to make sure you and your pets are kept cool and hydrated.

Here are some ways to keep your cats and dogs cool:

1 . Offer fresh, cool water as often as you can. It will entice those thirsty friends! After all, nobody likes drinking warm water on a scorching day. 

2 . Crushed ice also makes for a refreshing snack! 

3. If you are outside with your pets, turn on a sprinkler/ hose and let them cool down, or supervise visits to a baby pool filled with cool water. Make sure to be vigilant and supervise your pet’s interaction with water. A trip to a local pet-friendly watering hole or lake would be fun too!

4.  It is preferable to make trips outside as short as possible to limit the exposure to extreme heat.

5. Cool down a hot pet with damp towels.

6. Leave your pet at home, inside where it is cool, when you run errands. Cars are no place for dogs to be left during cool times, let alone during heatwaves!!

Here's an awesome Hot Car Flyer with information that you can share from The Humane Society of the United States

7. Offer frozen pet-friendly homemade treats. There are some easy recipes that you can find with a quick internet search. 

8. Brush your pet regularly to remove excess fur and check the pads of their feet regularly to ensure they are properly moisturized.

9. Recognize that pets can get sunburn too. Pets with shorter hair or that generally are pale in complexion are most susceptible to the sun's burning rays. Talk to your veterinarian about sunscreens for use on pets prior to using this as an option. You are best leaving Puppy or Kitty home in cool A.C. if you are planning to be outside for extended periods of time.

10. Make sure you are aware of the signs of heatstroke in pets and IMMEDIATELY seek veterinary assistance if your pet or a pet you come across is exhibiting any of these signs. 

Check out this Petfinder article about Heatstroke in Cats and Dogs:

How do you keep your pets cool?

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Birthday R.E.A.C.H.!!

My birthday is tomorrow, July 22nd. 

 You know what I think would be really AMAZING? If you took a picture of yourself with a Project R.E.A.C.H. sign and sent it to me! It could be a picture of you, a group picture, a picture someone takes of you, a picture with your pet OR whatever the case may be. You could also tell me why you are a and/or share any comments or questions you might have! 

I think that would be really cool!

Use any of these pictures from Project R.E.A.C.H. or make your own!! :) 

Woo hoo! 

1. Right click on the image.
2. Click "Save Image As."
3. Save the image to your desktop.
4. Print!
5. Take a picture of yourself with the sign.

The Importance of Sharing

Mama always taught you the importance of sharing, but chances are she didn't mean THIS kind of sharing! (Although we are positive that she would certainly approve). Chances are, you have Facebook, Twitter, and other forms of social media. 

Did you know that you can actually "share" pictures of homeless pets featured on shelters' and rescues' websites on your own page? If you did know that, AWESOME! Now, get to sharing! Tell them Project R.E.A.C.H. sent you! ;)

If you weren't aware, we want to give you a step by step guide to how you can share a post/ picture. Why is it important, you ask? Social media is an extremely valuable tool for networking on the behalf of animals in our communities, across our country, and around the world. The simple act of sharing a post can extend a post's reach by thousands of people, meaning that the pet, shelter, or rescue you are supporting can get new exposure that will help them find the furever homes they deserve and will help them to interact with other animal advocates who will be able to assist their cause! :) Pretty cool, right? 

All things considered, if you take a few minutes out of each day to share pictures of homeless pets, to share statuses of shelters and rescues in need of supplies, to share the picture of a lost or found pet, and to simply put social media to work for a good cause, awesome things can happen! Homeless pets can find new homes, shelters and rescues can get the support and supplies that they so desperately need, and lost or found pets can be reunited with their families. It doesn't get better than that.

Sharing is a simple way to give back and it DOESN'T COST A THING! :)


1. If you are on a computer or lap top or mobile device and see a status or picture you'd like to share, chances are there are three "buttons" beneath it: "Like," "Comment," and "Share."

2. Click the share button and it will generate a status for you. If you want to write something in addition to the post, feel free to write it in the status box.

3. Click post.

4. Repeat!! :)

Note: If the picture is seemingly missing a "Share" button beneath it, you can still share it by clicking on the picture and then clicking "Share" from your phone (if you have an Android.) 

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!! :)

Happy Sharing!!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Exercise for a CAUSE!!

Do you have a smart phone? If you do, that's awesome. 

Do you want to be healthier and donate to a good cause? If so, you ROCK!

With a little bit of research, I found this awesome app that can be used while you exercise. You can exercise and download an app that will track your mileage for biking, walking, or running/jogging and then transfer the mileage you earn into a donation for the charity of your choice. 

It is super hot outside and I definitely wouldn't recommend exercising yourself or your pets too much/ at all outside because heat stroke is EXTREMELY dangerous, but I wanted to bring to your attention a totally rockin' way to exercise! When it cools down a bit, this might be the motivation you need to get out and get exercising. 

The Charity Miles app for your mobile devices will let you log in to support the cause of your choice, start moving, and will track your mileage. There are many worthwhile causes, but over at Project R.E.A.C.H., we will be exercising for the ASPCA (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). 

Biking will earn the ASPCA (or other cool causes) 10 cents per mile, and walking and running will earn 25 cents per mile. When you have completed your activity, you will receive an e-mail confirmation that will share how much you contributed. There is absolutely NO COST TO YOU. You simply have to be willing to give yourself over to some exercise! 

Although exercise can seem like torture, knowing that you are helping animals in need might just be the motivation you need to do something great! If you already exercise, why not you add another level of awesome to your workout?! I'm going to do it!! You should too!! :)

If you decide to do this, make sure to post to  

or on our blog 

We want to hear how you are giving back and for you to share your experiences and healthy milestones! :)

Check out, go to your Apple app store or get the Android App on Google Play.

If you need any help, let me know! I can try to "walk" you through it. ;) Pun is absolutely intended!

Thanks Daily Kibble, for posting such a great article about Charity Miles:

Help KING win a contest!! :)

King, one of the "Awesome Adoptables" we love over at Project R.E.A.C.H., is in a contest!! Won't you help this sweetie WIN BIG? :)

Great News from "Awesome Adoptable" King over at Make King 

your "King and I"! He is currently in FOURTH PLACE1! WOW!! 

:) Thank you to those who have voted!! Let's get this sweetie into 

1ST place today. Follow these instructions!! :

1. Click this link:


2. Give King 5 stars!!

3. Leave him a comment of encouragement and tell him Project 

R.E.A.C.H. sent you!

4. Submit!!

5. Share his contest on your page so others can vote for him, too!!
6. Post a comment on here, letting me know that you voted!! (You 

will get a shout-out)!

You can vote every 48 hours, so make sure you do that!! :)

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Check out our "AWESOME ADOPTABLES" Album! :)

A word from Niko (one of my adopted furbabies and 

inspirations): "Before I head off to make "Take a nap 

Tuesday" happen, will you check out the "Awesome 

Adoptables" album from Project REACH? Some of my friends 

need to meet their forever family. Do you have an 

"Awesome Adoptable" looking for a family? Share them on 

this page!" **Puppy kisses and snuggles**

Click here to check out our "Awesome Adoptables" :)

A Summer-Time Thanksgiving!

Hello fellow R.E.A.C.H.ers. On our Facebook page @, we are close to 150 strong. I, Jessica Sears, the English/LAL teacher who founded Project R.E.A.C.H, would like to sincerely thank you for your support. It is both humbling and a great honor to have your support in spreading the word about this project and my goal for my students in the upcoming 2013-2014 school year. Each of you come to us with a wealth of knowledge, a desire to make a positive change in our communities, and a belief that our youth can make a difference. Please make sure to continue to share your stories about volunteering, adopting, fostering, etc. I draw on you all as inspiration, because I am so proud of the wonderful things you do, and I am even more proud to consider you among my friends. Great things are just around the corner! 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Summer is Heating Up!!

Summer certainly is heating up! Here

 at Project REACH, we want to hear how you 

keep your pets (cats, dogs, guinea pigs,

 ferrets, birds, hamsters, snakes, chickens,

 horses...etc.) cool during heatwaves! If you

 have any tips, strategies, games, or frozen

 treats that keep your pets happy, 

comfortable, and hydrated, share away! 

Please feel free to post on

to share your ideas! 

You just might get a shout out in our next

 blog for your idea!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Links to Facebook Page Notes and Albums

If you are interested in checking out the "This is Why We Adopt" photo album, please use the following link: Click here to view "This is Why We Adopt" Photo Album

If you want to check out some of the reasons why people choose to be animal advocates, but have not included pictures, please use the following link: Click here to read "This Is Why..." 

As of July 15, 2013, you can now look at an album with submissions from foster families: Click here to view "This is Why We Foster" Photo Album 

As of July 15, 2013, you can now check out an album of adoptable pets, submitted by foster families, volunteers, and others: Click here to view "Awesome Adoptables" Photo Album

Albums for other "This is Why..." initiatives will be forthcoming when we receive more submissions!  

How do you R.E.A.C.H.?

Project REACH wants to hear from you! Each of you came to Project REACH with your own story. Please feel free to share it. It may be your story that inspires someone else to R.E.A.C.H.! Already, we have received wonderful stories of adoption from wonderful R.E.A.C.H.ers just like YOU!

Do you share posts of animals in need on Facebook? 
Do you opt to adopt? 
Do you foster animals? 
Do you actively rescue animals? 
Do you volunteer at a local shelter? 
Do you donate to animal welfare causes you believe in? 
Do you participate in walks or benefits that support animals? 
Do you educate others about issues with animal welfare?

The list goes on and on...

There are so many things we can do to make a difference for animals in our community. 

Here's what you can do:

1. If you haven't already, join us on our Facebook page 

2. In a comment, share with us who you are and what you DO/ the experiences you've had/ and why you do what you do.

3. This is of course optional, but with your comment, you can upload a picture or picture(s) of the pet(s) that inspire you/ you adopted/ fostered/rescued/want to see get adopted/etc. 

It could be a dog, cat, ferret, chicken, guinea pig, hamster, lizard, snake...and the list goes on and on.

  • Share with us his or her story.
  • Provide us with the name of the rescue or shelter you/ the pet are affiliated with.
  • Explain how people can apply to adopt the pet or become foster parents, volunteers, etc.
3. Share your story with your friends and encourage them to become a part of Project R.E.A.C.H.

**NOTE: Your submission could be as long or as short as you'd like it! :)**

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me any time! :)

Search Engines for Pets

   Social media and the internet is essential when it comes to animal advocacy. Here at Project R.E.A.C.H., we think it is very important to use the tools that social media provides us to give back to animals and the people who support them in our communities. You will notice that we've added some search engines on the right side of our page, to promote animal adoption, as well as the ability of families to bring their pets with them when they travel for vacations. 

   Adopt-A-Pet and Petfinder are two wonderful websites where animal shelters and rescues can post information about available pets so people like you and me can be "matched" to our new family members. You can set different parameters to help you narrow your search. Be sure to share these websites with everyone you know because it is a great place to find a forever friend. In fact, each of my adopted pups, Boo Boo, Niko, Rudy, and Harley, were found using Petfinder. Webpages like this are doing wonderful work to make sure pets are able to have the "happy tails" they deserve.

   Also, if you've ever been in the predicament about finding a place that will allow you to vacation and bring along ALL of your beloved family members, BringFido may be able to help you out. Choose the location of where you'd like to go, set your dates, and let the page search out pet-friendly hotels and rentals in the area.

   I just wanted to share! Hopefully these sites will prove useful to you! :)

Saturday, July 13, 2013

"This Is Why We Volunteer!"

     Day in and day out, volunteers give tirelessly of themselves to help make life more comfortable to animals in need. They spend hours of their time spreading awareness and provide animals with a safe haven until a foster or adoptive family comes for them. Volunteers walk with the animals, play with them, and show them that they are worthy and deserving of love and respect. That just scratches the surface of what volunteers do. 

   Project R.E.A.C.H. is thrilled to present an initiative to highlight the good work that volunteers do, to encourage others to consider volunteering, and to share the rescues that are in need of homes to provide another platform by which they can get even more exposure to meet their future forever families. 

We want to hear about YOUR volunteering experiences and to share the pets who you really want to see get a home soon! 

Here's how you can get this started:

1. Join us on our Facebook page 

2. Upload a picture or picture(s) of the pet(s) that you really want to see get a home (dog, cat, ferret, chicken, guinea pig, hamster, lizard, snake...and the list goes on and on).

  • Share with us his or her story.
  • Provide us with the name of the rescue or shelter you are affiliated with.
  • Explain how people can apply to adopt or foster the rescue.
  • Share with us why you choose to volunteer, your experiences, and why you think volunteering is so worthwhile!
  • Share how people can become volunteers at your rescue or shelter.

3. Share your story with your friends and encourage them to become a part of Project R.E.A.C.H.

Project R.E.A.C.H. believes that when people are able to see and read about volunteer experiences, they will be more interested in knowing that volunteering is a great way to give back to the animals and the community at large. Volunteers can dedicate a couple of hours a day, a few hours a month--there is a different fit for everyone. I think it is so important to hear from volunteers because they see firsthand the needs and pressing issues that face homeless pets. If you are a volunteer, speak up! We'd love to hear from you. :)

Friday, July 12, 2013

"This Is Why We Foster!"

    In the world of animal rescue, there is a group of very special people who serve as the bridge between an animal's past and his or her forever home. These loving foster parents take in pets from all walks of life and nurse them to health, show them what love is, and share every ounce of energy they have to give the pets their chance to shine and find a family who will love and cherish them with the same fervor.

   Project R.E.A.C.H. is very proud to present an initiative to showcase the good work that foster parents do, to encourage others to consider fostering, and to share the rescues that are in need of homes to provide another platform by which they can get even more exposure to meet their future forever families. 

We want to hear about YOUR fostering experiences and to share the pets you foster! 

Here's how you can get this started:

1. Join us on our Facebook page 

2. Upload a picture or picture(s) of the pet(s) you are currently fostering (dog, cat, ferret, chicken, guinea pig, hamster, lizard, snake...and the list goes on and on).

  • Share with us his or her story.
  • Provide us with the name of the rescue or shelter you are affiliated with.
  • Explain how people can apply to adopt your foster or become foster parents themselves.
  • Share with us why you choose to foster!

3. Share your story with your friends and encourage them to become a part of Project R.E.A.C.H.

Project R.E.A.C.H. believes that when people are able to see the adorable, loving faces of rescued pets, read their stories, and see all of the joy in fostering, they will know why people are so passionate about fostering animals and giving them another chance at the better future they deserve. The selfless, giving nature of foster parents is something that should be applauded and I can't wait to share their stories, in their own voices. :)